Viewing entries in

"A Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken"


"A Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken"

February 16, 2025 || Hebrews 12:18-24 "A Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken"

Discussion Questions:

  1. Today are you bound by legalism, trying to work your way to forgiveness, or have you simply received the grace, and mercy that Father God offers?

  2. How do you keep yourself from falling into the trap of a works based faith?

  3. Are you resting in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary? How do you know?


"Do Not Grow Weary" Part 3


"Do Not Grow Weary" Part 3

February 9, 2025 || Hebrews 12:12-17 "Do Not Grow Weary" Part 3

Discussion Questions:

  1. Recently how have you displayed to the people around you that you are a peacemaker for God?

  2. How do you combat bitterness from sprouting up in your heart, knowing that it will defile you?

  3. Today how are you living set apart from the rest of the world culture? Does the world know you are a Christian?


“Do Not Grow Weary” Part 2


“Do Not Grow Weary” Part 2

February 2, 2025 || Hebrews 12:7-11 "Do Not Grow Weary" Part 2

Discussion Questions:

  1. What form of discipline from the Lord are you currently enduring?

  2. At what point in your walk with God did you realize that His discipline is meant to make you holy?

  3. Even when it’s difficult and you don’t understand, are you still willing to remain under the blade of God’s truth so you may bear much fruit?


"Do Not Grow Weary"


"Do Not Grow Weary"

January 26, 2025 || Hebrews 12:3-6 "Do Not Grow Weary"

Discussion Questions:

  1. How often do you consider what Jesus Christ endured for you?

  2. Do you know as a believer you are a son/daughter of God, or have you forgotten?

  3. How do you respond to the discipline of the Lord? Do you embrace it so it can shape you or do you avoid it at all costs?


"Jesus, The Founder And Perfecter Of Our Faith"


"Jesus, The Founder And Perfecter Of Our Faith"

January 19, 2025 || Hebrews 12:1-2 "Jesus, The Founder And Perfecter Of Our Faith"

Discussion Questions:

  1. What weights in your life is God calling you to lay aside so you may run the race well for Christ?

  2. How do you daily keep your eyes fixed in Jesus Christ the author and perfecter of your faith?

  3. Does the way you live value or take for granted the salvation that Jesus Christ purchased for you with His blood?


"God is Faithful"


"God is Faithful"

January 12, 2025 || "God is Faithful"

Discussion Questions:

  1. What promise(s) of GOD do you look for most?

  2. How does GOD’s presence confirm His promises?

  3. In what area(s) of life can each of us learn to grow our faith?


"The Just Shall Live By Faith" Part 5


"The Just Shall Live By Faith" Part 5

January 5, 2025 || Hebrews 11:29-40 "The Just Shall Live By Faith" Part 5

Discussion Questions:

  1. How has your genuine faith in Jesus Christ changed your life for the better?

  2. What obstacles have you overcome because your faith is in Jesus Christ?

  3. Do you truly believe the best is yet to come when you leave this earth?


"The Just Shall Live By Faith" Part 4


"The Just Shall Live By Faith" Part 4

December 29, 2024 || Hebrews 11:23-28 "The Just Shall Live By Faith" Part 4

Discussion Questions:

  1. Today how are you using your power of choice? Who is governing the decisions you make? God or you?

  2. Are you willing to suffer for the sake of Jesus Christ or are you living in the fleeting pleasures of this life?

  3. Have you applied the blood of Jesus Christ to your life personally knowing that is the only way to have your sins passed over?





December 22, 2024 || Isaiah 7:14 "Immanuel"

Discussion Questions:

  1. How has the free gift of Salvation that Jesus Christ Has Given you changed your life?

  2. Do you truly understand that without Jesus Christ you have no right standing before Father God?

  3. Now that you are a child of God what are you doing to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with others around you?


"The Just Shall Live By Faith" Part 3


"The Just Shall Live By Faith" Part 3

December 15, 2024 || Hebrews 11:17-22 "The Just Shall Live By Faith" Part 3

Discussion Questions:

  1. Today are you holding everything you have been given with an open hand, understanding you are only a steward of all you possess?

  2. Have you been fortunate enough to receive generational blessings passed down to you? If not what are you doing to pass down blessings to those who will come after you?

  3. How has your faith grown believing that God will not only take care of you, but also the generation that follows you?


"The Just Shall Live By Faith" Part 2


"The Just Shall Live By Faith" Part 2

December 8, 2024 || Hebrews 11:8-16 "The Just Shall Live By Faith" Part 2

Discussion Questions:

  1. Today even though you may not understand it, are you honestly trusting God’s will for your life?

  2. How have you witnessed your faith in Jesus Christ affect others around you?

  3. Are you longing more for heaven or the things of this world?


"The Just Shall Live By Faith"


"The Just Shall Live By Faith"

December 1, 2024 || Hebrews 11:1-7 "The Just Shall Live By Faith"

Discussion Questions:

  1. Currently, how is your faith being tested causing you to grow in perseverance?

  2. Are you convinced in your heart of hearts that Yahweh created everything that exists?

  3. Do you try and please Father God by what you know, understand and can explain about Him or by simply believing He is who He is?


"Preserve Your Soul"


"Preserve Your Soul"

November 24, 2024 || Hebrews 10:32-39 "Preserve Your Soul"

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are you walking through right now that is calling you to endure some form of suffering for your faith in Jesus Christ?

  2. How are you measuring your growth in endurance?

  3. Does your faith in Jesus Christ remain the same whether you are going through good or bad times?


"Don't Play With God"


"Don't Play With God"

November 17, 2024 || Hebrews 10:26-31 "Don't Play With God"

Discussion Questions:

  1. Today do you understand that it is wrong for us to continue to habitually sin and think we are living in the grace of God?

  2. How do you go about your day giving all honor, glory and praise to Jesus Christ for His sacrifice for you?

  3. Do you know what it is to fear God?


"The Full Assurance Of Faith"


"The Full Assurance Of Faith"

November 10, 2024 || Hebrews 10:19-25 “The Full Assurance of Faith”

Discussion Questions:

  1. Today are you experiencing the gift of no shame or condemnation because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for you?

  2. How do you actively hold on to your faith in Jesus Christ without wavering?

  3. Are you staying close to the body of Christ or are you forsaking the meeting of the saints?


“Christ’s Sacrifice Once For All” Pt.2


“Christ’s Sacrifice Once For All” Pt.2

November 3, 2024 || Hebrews 10:8-18 “Christ’s Sacrifice Once For All” Pt.2

Discussion Questions:

  1. How do you daily show gratitude to Yahweh for the sacrificial death of His Son Jesus Christ on your behalf?

  2. What have you specifically been delivered from as a result of Jesus Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross?

  3. As you grow are you experiencing more of a renewed heart and mind in Christ Jesus?


“Christ’s Sacrifice Once For All” Pt.1


“Christ’s Sacrifice Once For All” Pt.1

October 20, 2024 || Hebrews 10:1-7 “Christ’s Sacrifice Once For All” Pt.1

Discussion Questions:

  1. How have you witnessed Jesus Christ fulfilling the law in your own life?

  2. What evidence is there in your life today that points to the fact that you’re eternally saved and Jesus Christ reigns as the King of your heart?

  3. Knowing that Yahweh doesn’t desire sacrifices and offerings but rather obedience, what is it that He’s calling you to be obedient in?


“Redemption Through The Blood Of Christ” Pt.2


“Redemption Through The Blood Of Christ” Pt.2

October 20, 2024 || Hebrews 9:23-28 “Redemption Through The Blood Of Christ” Pt.2

Discussion Questions:

  1. Knowing that Jesus Christ is your advocate has that strengthened you to face  your daily challenges?

  2. Today are you giving your all for Yahweh being that you only live once?

  3. Is your hope anchored in the certainty of Jesus Christ’s return?


“Redemption Through The Blood of Christ” Pt.1


“Redemption Through The Blood of Christ” Pt.1

October 13, 2024 || Hebrews 9:11-22 “Redemption Through The Blood of Christ” Pt.1

Discussion Questions:

  1. Today can you say that you are casting all of your cares upon Jesus Christ? What does that look like?

  2. How confident are you that Father God hears you because Jesus is your mediator?

  3. Have you come to terms that without the shedding of blood there can be no forgiveness of sins?


"The Earthly Holy Place"


"The Earthly Holy Place"

October 6, 2024 || Hebrews 9:1-10 "The Earthly Holy Place"

Discussion Questions:

  1. Today are you aware of how you live your life before God?

  2. How have you and others around you benefited from you receiving the salvation that Jesus Christ offers?

  3. Are you experiencing the freedom in Jesus Christ to serve Him, today are you a slave to sin or a slave to Him?
