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"A Rest for God's People" Part 3


"A Rest for God's People" Part 3

June 30, 2024 || Hebrews 4:1-10 "A Rest for God's People" Part 3

Discussion Questions:

  1. What does living out God’s Word look like daily in your life?

  2. How have you come to know that only true satisfaction comes from Jesus Christ?

  3. Today where are you in regards to entering God’s rest for your soul?


"A Rest for God's People" Part 2


"A Rest for God's People" Part 2

June 23, 2024 || Hebrews 3:7-14 "A Rest for God's People" Part 2

Discussion Questions:

  1. Have you come to a place in your life where you can honestly say you are following Jesus Christ and not the crowd?

  2. Today can you discern whether or not you are on the narrow road that leads to eternal life? How do you know?

  3. How are you guarding your heart against all manners of unbelief?


"A Rest for God's People" Part 1


"A Rest for God's People" Part 1

June 16, 2024 || Hebrews 3:7-14 "A Rest for God's People"

Discussion Questions:

  1. Can you recognize the signs in your life when you are beginning to harden your heart toward God? What are you actively doing to stop that from happening?

  2. How are you being encouraged to not fall into disbelief?

  3. Are you involved in the lives of other believers, to spur them on in the faith, and to be spurred on yourself?


"Jesus is Greater than Moses"


"Jesus is Greater than Moses"

June 9, 2024 || Hebrews 3:1-6 “Jesus is Greater than Moses”

Discussion Questions:

  1. Have you come to a place in your life where you are consciously considering Jesus Christ in all that you do?

  2. How is Jesus Christ given the utmost authority and honor in your life?

  3. What are you boasting in? Is your confident hope remaining focused on Jesus Christ alone?


"The Founder of Salvation" Part 2


"The Founder of Salvation" Part 2

June 2, 2024 || Hebrews 2:10-18 “The Founder of Salvation” Part 2

Discussion Questions:

  1. Today are you broken over your sin? How are you seeing sanctification play out in your life?

  2. Have you allowed Jesus Christ to deliver you from the fear of death?

  3. How have you witnessed Jesus Christ provide a way of escape for you when you are tempted?


"The Founder of Salvation"


"The Founder of Salvation"

May 26, 2024 || Hebrews 2:5-9 “The Founder of Salvation”

Discussion Questions:

  1. How often do you stop and thank God that He is mindful of you, to the point He sent not an angel to save you, but His one and only Son?

  2. How have you been doing lately imitating Jesus Christ by humbling yourself like Him?

  3. Have you come to a place in your life where you realize there is no greater gift than to know God personally and grow in relationship with Him?


"Warning Against Neglecting Salvation"


"Warning Against Neglecting Salvation"

May 19, 2024 || Hebrews 2:1-4 “Warning Against Neglecting Salvation”

Discussion Questions:

  1. Each day are you paying closer attention to the warnings of drifting away from the truth of Jesus Christ?

  2. Do you know for a fact that your sins are covered by the blood of Jesus Christ?

    Are you aware of the many miracles that Jesus Christ is performing everyday of your life?


“The Supremacy Of Jesus Christ” Part 3


“The Supremacy Of Jesus Christ” Part 3

May 12, 2024 || Hebrews 1:10-14 “The Supremacy Of Jesus Christ” Part 3

Discussion Questions:

  1. How has Yahweh revealed to you personally that all of creation will change but He will always remain the same?

  2. God’s years have no end. That means His principles and ways will remain forever. How is this revelation shaping your life?

  3. Do you daily ask Father God to keep His hedge of protection around you, and that His angels keep charge over your life?


“The Supremacy Of Jesus Christ” Part 2


“The Supremacy Of Jesus Christ” Part 2

May 5, 2024 || Hebrews 1:5-9 “The Supremacy Of Jesus Christ” Part 2

Discussion Questions:

  1. How has the supremacy of Jesus Christ changed your life?

  2. The more you walk with Jesus Christ, are you growing in your love for righteousness and hatred for evil?

  3. Today are you walking in a fresh pouring of the oil of gladness over your life?


"The Supremacy Of Jesus Christ"


"The Supremacy Of Jesus Christ"

April 28, 2024 || Hebrews 1:1-4 “The Supremacy Of Jesus Christ”

Discussion Questions:

  1. When was the first time you truly recognized that Jesus Christ was real? Where were you and what were you doing?

  2. How has your lifestyle changed knowing now that Jesus Christ is the only purification for your sin?

  3. Jesus Christ is superior to all of creation. Knowing that He is greater than all others do you still find yourself fearful of others? If so why?


"Fear God and Keep His Commandments"


"Fear God and Keep His Commandments"

April 21, 2024 || Ecclesiastes 12:9-14 “Fear God and Keep His Commandments”

Discussion Questions:

  1. Today are you being a faithful witness for Jesus by sharing the truth in love without compromise?

  2. Has the penetrating truth of the gospel moved you from a place of comfort and ease to a place of being stretched to grow?

  3. Are you resolved in your heart to fear God and to live for Him the rest of your life?


“Remember Your Creator In Your Youth”


“Remember Your Creator In Your Youth”

April 14, 2024 || Ecclesiastes 12:1-8 “Remember Your Creator In Your Youth”

Discussion Questions:

  1. How are you remembering your Creator daily? What does it look like?

  2. Are you sure of where you are going when you die? What is the evidence of your life being lived out as a follower of Jesus Christ?

  3. Do you realize that living a lifestyle apart from honoring God is all but vanity? We are you doing to ensure you’re not wasting your life?


"The Limitations of Knowledge"


"The Limitations of Knowledge"

April 7, 2024 || Ecclesiastes 11:5-10 “The Limitations of Knowledge”

Discussion Questions:

  1. Can you recall a time when you trusted in God rather than your limited knowledge? What was the outcome?

  2. Have you come to the point in your life where you have realized that your time is in the hands of the Lord? If so, has that changed how you spend your time?

  3. Are you able to enjoy the gifts God gives you without worshipping the gift itself?


"Dead To Sin, Alive To Christ"


"Dead To Sin, Alive To Christ"

March 31, 2024 || Romans 6:5-11 “Dead To Sin, Alive To Christ”

Discussion Questions:

  1. How are you dying to your flesh daily? What are signs in your life that reveal your inner most being has been resurrected with Jesus Christ?

  2. Are you growing stronger in Christ to say no to sin and yes to Him?

  3. How does your life reflect that your relationship with Jesus Christ is the most important thing to you?


"Cast Your Bread Upon The Waters"


"Cast Your Bread Upon The Waters"

March 24, 2024 || Ecclesiastes 11:1-4 “Cast Your Bread Upon The Waters”

Discussion Questions:

  1. How do you respond when your work is not immediately recognized? Do you get discouraged and give up, or do you persist and continue to work?

  2. When it comes to the giving of your time, talents, gifts, and money, do you give big or are you more reserved believing you’ll give big another day?

  3. Today when you look at your walk with Jesus Christ are you in the game, or are you on the sideline?


"How a Nation Falls"


"How a Nation Falls"

March 17, 2024 || Ecclesiastes 10:16-20 “How a Nation Falls”

Discussion Questions:

  1. You may not be able to change the leadership of our country but what are you doing to ensure the leadership in your home is godly?

  2. How do you fight off laziness in your own life so you’re not living with a sagging roof?

  3. Do you find yourself more often criticizing leadership in your life or praying for them?


"The Evidence of Wisdom and Folly"


"The Evidence of Wisdom and Folly"

March 10, 2024 || Ecclesiastes 10:8-15 “The Evidence of Wisdom and Folly”

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you see a difference in how you live now that you are in the light of Jesus Christ? What are some things you no longer do?

  2. Do you plan for the future? Are you making arrangements in your life for the Lord’s return?

  3. In the past week have you spoken words of life that bring you honor, or words of foolishness that result in death?


"Know By Your Fruit"


"Know By Your Fruit"

March 3, 2024 || Ecclesiastes 10:1-7 | “Known By Your Fruit”

Discussion Questions:

  1. Are you able to discern when a little leaven of sin is trying to rise up in your heart? How do you know?

  2. Today what type of fruit is your walk with Father God producing? Is it evident to others that you are living for Him?

  3. How do you respond to favoritism or the unfair treatment of the world?


"Wisdom is Better than Folly"


"Wisdom is Better than Folly"

February 25, 2024 || Ecclesiastes 9:11-18 | “Wisdom is Better than Folly”

Discussion Questions:

  1. How do you respond to your plans being interrupted by the unseeable circumstances of life?

  2. Have you witnessed wisdom being greater than might in your life? What did it look like?

  3. Today can you discern the difference between wisdom and folly? How do you know?


"Enjoy Life With The One You Love"


"Enjoy Life With The One You Love"

February 18, 2024 || Ecclesiastes 9:7-10 | “Enjoy Life With The One You Love”

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are you doing to keep your spiritual garments unsoiled from the stains of sin?

  2. Today are you enjoying the spouse of your youth? If not what is holding you back?

  3. Are you doing the work you have been given to the best of your ability? Are you blessing God by remaining faithful in the task He has set before you?
