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The New Jerusalem


The New Jerusalem

October 23, 2022 || Revelation 21 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || “The New Jerusalem”

Discussion Questions:

  1. How is the Lord molding and shaping you to be prepared for the New Jerusalem? What has He stripped away so you are better suited for heaven?

  2. Today how are you keeping your focus on God’s eternal Kingdom, and not allowing yourself to be distracted by things that are passing away?

  3. What are indicators that Jesus Christ is sitting on the throne of your heart? If He is not what can you do to change that?


The New Heaven And The New Earth


The New Heaven And The New Earth

October 16, 2022 || Revelation 21 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || “The New Heaven And The New Earth”

Discussion Questions:

  1. Is there anything hindering your from being prepared for the new heaven and the new earth? If so what is it and how can you let go of it?

  2. For the believer in Christ, one day He will wipe away every tear. There will be no more sorrow or pain. How does that encourage you to get through daily life, where there are many tears and much sorrow and pain?

  3. The result of accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord is eternal life with Him in heaven. What are you doing to share this Good News?


The Great White Throne Judgment


The Great White Throne Judgment

October 9, 2022 || Revelation 20 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || “The Great White Throne Judgment”

Discussion Questions:

  1. Jesus Christ is the judge of all no matter what the world believes. Have you come to understand that all of His judgments are righteous and true?

  2. People will ultimately be judged based on whether or not they have received Jesus Christ as their Savior. What is the evidence that this is true in your life?

  3. No one will escape accountability in the end. What are you doing to let people know about this inevitable truth?


The Defeat Of Satan


The Defeat Of Satan

October 2, 2022 || Revelation 20 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || “The Defeat Of Satan”

Discussion Questions:

  1. Can you recall the last time Satan tried to deceive you? How did you respond?

  2. When did you realize that opposing Jesus Christ was a losing battle?

  3. Eternity is real. Heaven and hell are also real. How has this reality shaped how you live your life for the Lord?


"The Thousand Years"


"The Thousand Years"

September 25, 2022 || Revelation 20 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || “The Thousand Years”

Discussion Questions:

  1. Satan is the deceiver and makes accusation against you. What are you doing to ensure you don’t fall victim to those accusations?

  2. The first resurrection is that of all of God’s people. Are you absolutely sure you will be part of the first resurrection? Have you received Jesus Christ alone as your only means of salvation?

  3. The second resurrection is of all those who have rejected Jesus Christ. Who are you witnessing to so that they may avoid this fate?


The Beast And His Armies Defeated


The Beast And His Armies Defeated

September 18, 2022 || Revelation 19 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || The Beast And His Armies Defeated

Discussion Questions:

1. How is the Lord using you to warn others about the judgement to come?

2. How are you daily keeping yourself from being deceived by the schemes of Satan?

3. Are you convinced that living for this world is not worth your eternal soul? If so, how has Jesus revealed that to you?


Christ On A White Horse


Christ On A White Horse

September 11, 2022 || Revelation 19 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || Christ On A White Horse

Discussion Questions:

  1. The Lord’s judgments are always righteous. Can you recall a time when God judged you, and in the moment you didn’t agree? But in His timing you came to realize His judgment was just?

  2. Are you still willing to serve and honor Jesus Christ even if there are some mysteries about Him you may never fully understand?

  3. The word of God is the most important thing you could ever possess. Do you regard His word as the most important thing in your life?


Rejoicing In Heaven


Rejoicing In Heaven

September 4, 2022 || Revelation 19 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || Rejoicing In Heaven

Discussion Questions:

  1. Are you unashamed to praise Jesus Christ no matter who is around? If not what is holding you back from living boldly for Him?

  2. Being invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb is one of the single greatest blessings one can receive. It ensures that your conversion in Christ was genuine. What are you doing to prepare yourself for that day?

  3. We are to worship God alone. What things are you doing daily to make sure you do not fall into that deception?


The Fall Of Babylon (Part 3)


The Fall Of Babylon (Part 3)

August 28, 2022 || Revelation 18 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || The Fall Of Babylon (Part 3)

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are you living for today? What are indications in your life that this is true? Explain

  2. In everything we do we are either sewing seeds in life or death. What kind of seed are you sewing? How do you know? Explain

  3. Ultimately the one world Babylonian systems goal is to get rid of all followers of Jesus Christ. What are you doing to not be conformed to this world? Is your mind being renewed in Christ today? Explain


The Fall Of Babylon (Part 2)


The Fall Of Babylon (Part 2)

August 21, 2022 || Revelation 18 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || The Fall Of Babylon (Part 2)

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you mourn over your sin against God or do you mourn over the loss of material possessions? Can you tell the difference between the two? Explain

  2. Today is your hope truly in Jesus Christ alone? What are things that mark your life with that hope? Explain

  3. All humanity innately longs for a world free of problems. All of heaven will rejoice at the judgment of Babylon. What are you doing now to prepare for that time of rejoicing? Explain


The Fall of Babylon


The Fall of Babylon

August 14, 2022 || Revelation 18 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || The Fall Of Babylon

Discussion Questions:

  1. The fear of God will keep you from being influenced by the world system. What are signs in your life that point to you having the fear of God in your heart? Explain.

  2. The Lord commands His people to come out from the world. What are you doing to remain separated from the world? Explain.

  3. All will be accountable for their actions in the end. Are you confident you will be on the right side of God’s judgment? How do you know? Explain.


The Great Prostitute And The Beast


The Great Prostitute And The Beast

August 7, 2022 || Revelation 17 || Daniel Gaul || The Great Prostitute And The Beast (Part 2)

Discussion Questions:

  1. Should we be surprised to see repeating patterns of sin in the world?

  2. How do those who are representatives reflect the cause/nature of those whom they serve?

  3. In what way(s) is God's heavenly kingdom glorified through the contrast of flawed, worldly government?


The Great Prostitute And The Beast


The Great Prostitute And The Beast

July 31, 2022 || Revelation 17 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || The Great Prostitute And The Beast

Discussion Questions:

  1. Can you discern the difference between the Holy Spirit and unclean spirits? How do you keep yourself from becoming influenced by unclean spirits? Explain

  2. Knowing that anyone who doesn't worship Jesus Christ in truth and in spirit is heading for destruction. What are you doing to warn them? Explain

  3. Are you willing to identify with Jesus Christ even when the world rejects Him? Explain


The Seven Bowls of God's Wrath Part 3


The Seven Bowls of God's Wrath Part 3

July 24, 2022 || Revelation 16 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath Part 3

Discussion Questions:

  1. The fear of the Lord will keep His wrath from falling upon you. Do you have the fear of the Lord in your heart? How do you know? Explain

  2. Today what are you doing to prepare yourself for the Kingdom of God that is soon to come? Explain

  3. Knowing that one day you will stand before the God of all creation and give an account for how you lived, what are you doing now to ensure you will have a good report? Explain


The Seven Bowls of God's Wrath Part 2


The Seven Bowls of God's Wrath Part 2

July 17, 2022 || Revelation 16 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath Part 2

Discussion Questions:

  1. A lifestyle of rebellion against Jesus Christ produces spiritual darkness. Now that you are living for Him, what is He producing in your life? How do you know? Explain

  2. What safeguards have you set up to ensure demons are not influencing your life? Explain

  3. How do you stay clothed with the full armor of God daily so you are able to stand firm against the attacks of Satan? Explain


The Seven Bowls of God's Wrath


The Seven Bowls of God's Wrath

July 10, 2022 || Revelation 16 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath

Discussion Questions:

  1. How do you ensure that you are walking in God's will for your life everyday? How do you know? Explain

  2. Every judgement from God is true and just. Does His righteous judgements lead you to walk in truth? Why or why not? Explain

  3. Unfortunately some people will never repent. How do you protect yourself from not becoming one of those people? Explain


The Seven Angels With Seven Plagues


The Seven Angels With Seven Plagues

July 3, 2022 || Revelation 15 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || The Seven Angels With Seven Plagues

Discussion Questions:

  1. A time will come where the Lord's judgments will be irreversible. Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your only means to appease His righteous judgment? If so what are you doing to warn others about God's final judgment? Explain

  2. Revelation 15 states that those who conquer the beast will sing the song of the Lamb. What new song has the Lord put in your heart? How are you expressing that song to Him daily? Explain

  3. We should have a reverent respect and fear of God as we approach Him in prayer. How do you approach the Lord in your prayer time? Explain


The Harvest Of The Earth


The Harvest Of The Earth

June 26, 2022 || Revelation 14 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || The Harvest Of The Earth

Discussion Questions:

  1. How have you experienced God's law of sowing and reaping play out in your own life? Explain

  2. What are you doing to ensure you are sowing good spiritual seeds in the lives of those around you? Explain

  3. As branches grafted into the True Vine, only then are we able to be used to bear good fruit. How are you daily growing and remaining connected to Jesus Christ? Explain


The Three Angels


The Three Angels

June 19, 2022 || Revelation 14 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || The Three Angels

Discussion Questions:

  • Romans 1:20 states: God’s divine nature, His eternal power is on display throughout the creation of the world. Because of this all humanity is without excuse from worshiping Him alone. Today can you see His hand in every part of visible creation or are you suppressing the truth? Explain

  • How is Jesus Christ strengthening your faith in Him so that you may be able to stand in the evil day and not bow down to Satan? Explain.

  • God's people are called to endure until the end. Setting aside the first fruits of your time each day to seek after the Lord through prayer and studying His Word, then reflecting upon it throughout the day, and finally reading again before you go to sleep, are great ways to grow in endurance. Are you growing in your endurance? How do you know? Explain.


The Lamb and the 144,000


The Lamb and the 144,000

June 12, 2022 || Revelation 14 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || The Lamb and the 144,000

Discussion Questions:

  • There is a clear distinction between God's seal, and Satan's mark upon a persons life. What evidence can you point to that reveals you are sealed by the Lord Jesus Christ? Explain

  • Understanding what you have been redeemed from should cause praise to forever be on your lips. Do you find it easy to praise God? If not, why? Explain

  • First fruits is a term in the Bible that expresses the best of the harvest or the cream of the crop. In your daily walk with the Lord are you giving Him the first fruits of all you are and possess? Your time, your energy, your possessions, all to be used for His Glory? Explain
