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Old Glory, New Glory, God's Glory


Old Glory, New Glory, God's Glory

December 11, 2022 || Haggai || Daniel Gaul || Old Glory, New Glory, God’s Glory

Discussion Questions:

  1. Are you ever worried when only a limited number of people are involved in a task?

  2. What makes us worry about the future?

  3. How do God’s promises for the future give us hope?


The Command to Rebuild the Temple (Part 2)


The Command to Rebuild the Temple (Part 2)

December 4, 2022 || Haggai || Kefing Aperto-Berry || The Command to Rebuild the Temple (Part 2)

Discussion Questions:

  1. Are you aware of when the Lord is giving you clear instructions? How are you responding to what He is telling you to do?

  2. When Jesus Christ corrects you how do you react? Do you humble yourself and accept His correction, or do you stiffen up and rebel against it?

  3. Are you encouraged by God’s love for you? Has His love led you to fully surrender your life over to Him?


The Command to Rebuild the Temple


The Command to Rebuild the Temple

November 27, 2022 || Haggai || Kefing Aperto-Berry || The Command to Rebuild the Temple

Discussion Questions:

  1. Have you come to terms with God’s timing for things in your life? If so How have you experienced more peace?

  2. As you walk with Jesus Christ are you considering your ways in all you do? Do you recognize the benefits of walking circumspectly before the Lord?

  3. If we put God first He promises to provide all of our needs. How have you witnessed God work in your life either by blessings or withholding’s?


Introduction to the Book of Haggai


Introduction to the Book of Haggai

November 20, 2022 || Haggai || Kefing Aperto-Berry || Introduction to the Book of Haggai

Discussion Questions:

  1. Is there restoration of any kind that is needed in your life today? If so can you identify it?

  2. When you pursue the work the Lord has for you with the right motives you always end up better for it. Have you experienced the blessings of serving the Lord?

  3. Pursuing selfish desires always ends in ruins. Have you experienced the dark side of selfish ambitions? If so have you learned from it?


Jesus Is Coming Soon (Part 2)


Jesus Is Coming Soon (Part 2)

November 13, 2022 || Revelation 22 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || “Jesus Is Coming Soon” (Part 2)

Discussion Questions:

  1. Can you recognize the difference between coming to Jesus Christ on your own terms and coming to Him on His terms? How has the latter benefited your life?

  2. We need the Old Testament as much as the New. Have you enjoyed seeing how all the Old Testament prophecies point to Jesus Christ as the Messiah?

  3. Today do you hear the voice of Jesus Christ calling you? His desire is that you drink from His endless supply of Living Water. Have you taken Him up on His offer?


Jesus Is Coming Soon (Part 1)


Jesus Is Coming Soon (Part 1)

November 6, 2022 || Revelation 22 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || “Jesus Is Coming Soon”

Discussion Questions:

  1. Belief and obedience go hand in hand. You can’t have one without the other. How are you experiencing this in your walk with Jesus Christ?

  2. Our daily decisions make up the sum of our lives. Have you been living a life that honors and glorifies God?

  3. Have you come to realize that Jesus Christ is the Alpha and the Omega? If so how has that truth effected your life?


The Rive Of Life


The Rive Of Life

October 30, 2022 || Revelation 22 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || “The River Of Life”

Discussion Questions:

  1. Have you come to the understanding that the fullness of life comes from Jesus Christ? If so how has that effected you?

  2. Jesus Christ is the Living Water who provides you with everything you will ever need in this life and the next. Have you been refreshed in Him? Are you being used to refresh others?

  3. In Jesus Christ you will lack no good thing. What is it that you think you're lacking that you can’t find in Him?


The New Jerusalem


The New Jerusalem

October 23, 2022 || Revelation 21 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || “The New Jerusalem”

Discussion Questions:

  1. How is the Lord molding and shaping you to be prepared for the New Jerusalem? What has He stripped away so you are better suited for heaven?

  2. Today how are you keeping your focus on God’s eternal Kingdom, and not allowing yourself to be distracted by things that are passing away?

  3. What are indicators that Jesus Christ is sitting on the throne of your heart? If He is not what can you do to change that?


The New Heaven And The New Earth


The New Heaven And The New Earth

October 16, 2022 || Revelation 21 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || “The New Heaven And The New Earth”

Discussion Questions:

  1. Is there anything hindering your from being prepared for the new heaven and the new earth? If so what is it and how can you let go of it?

  2. For the believer in Christ, one day He will wipe away every tear. There will be no more sorrow or pain. How does that encourage you to get through daily life, where there are many tears and much sorrow and pain?

  3. The result of accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord is eternal life with Him in heaven. What are you doing to share this Good News?


The Great White Throne Judgment


The Great White Throne Judgment

October 9, 2022 || Revelation 20 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || “The Great White Throne Judgment”

Discussion Questions:

  1. Jesus Christ is the judge of all no matter what the world believes. Have you come to understand that all of His judgments are righteous and true?

  2. People will ultimately be judged based on whether or not they have received Jesus Christ as their Savior. What is the evidence that this is true in your life?

  3. No one will escape accountability in the end. What are you doing to let people know about this inevitable truth?


The Defeat Of Satan


The Defeat Of Satan

October 2, 2022 || Revelation 20 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || “The Defeat Of Satan”

Discussion Questions:

  1. Can you recall the last time Satan tried to deceive you? How did you respond?

  2. When did you realize that opposing Jesus Christ was a losing battle?

  3. Eternity is real. Heaven and hell are also real. How has this reality shaped how you live your life for the Lord?


"The Thousand Years"


"The Thousand Years"

September 25, 2022 || Revelation 20 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || “The Thousand Years”

Discussion Questions:

  1. Satan is the deceiver and makes accusation against you. What are you doing to ensure you don’t fall victim to those accusations?

  2. The first resurrection is that of all of God’s people. Are you absolutely sure you will be part of the first resurrection? Have you received Jesus Christ alone as your only means of salvation?

  3. The second resurrection is of all those who have rejected Jesus Christ. Who are you witnessing to so that they may avoid this fate?


The Beast And His Armies Defeated


The Beast And His Armies Defeated

September 18, 2022 || Revelation 19 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || The Beast And His Armies Defeated

Discussion Questions:

1. How is the Lord using you to warn others about the judgement to come?

2. How are you daily keeping yourself from being deceived by the schemes of Satan?

3. Are you convinced that living for this world is not worth your eternal soul? If so, how has Jesus revealed that to you?


Christ On A White Horse


Christ On A White Horse

September 11, 2022 || Revelation 19 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || Christ On A White Horse

Discussion Questions:

  1. The Lord’s judgments are always righteous. Can you recall a time when God judged you, and in the moment you didn’t agree? But in His timing you came to realize His judgment was just?

  2. Are you still willing to serve and honor Jesus Christ even if there are some mysteries about Him you may never fully understand?

  3. The word of God is the most important thing you could ever possess. Do you regard His word as the most important thing in your life?


Rejoicing In Heaven


Rejoicing In Heaven

September 4, 2022 || Revelation 19 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || Rejoicing In Heaven

Discussion Questions:

  1. Are you unashamed to praise Jesus Christ no matter who is around? If not what is holding you back from living boldly for Him?

  2. Being invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb is one of the single greatest blessings one can receive. It ensures that your conversion in Christ was genuine. What are you doing to prepare yourself for that day?

  3. We are to worship God alone. What things are you doing daily to make sure you do not fall into that deception?


The Fall Of Babylon (Part 3)


The Fall Of Babylon (Part 3)

August 28, 2022 || Revelation 18 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || The Fall Of Babylon (Part 3)

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are you living for today? What are indications in your life that this is true? Explain

  2. In everything we do we are either sewing seeds in life or death. What kind of seed are you sewing? How do you know? Explain

  3. Ultimately the one world Babylonian systems goal is to get rid of all followers of Jesus Christ. What are you doing to not be conformed to this world? Is your mind being renewed in Christ today? Explain


The Fall Of Babylon (Part 2)


The Fall Of Babylon (Part 2)

August 21, 2022 || Revelation 18 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || The Fall Of Babylon (Part 2)

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you mourn over your sin against God or do you mourn over the loss of material possessions? Can you tell the difference between the two? Explain

  2. Today is your hope truly in Jesus Christ alone? What are things that mark your life with that hope? Explain

  3. All humanity innately longs for a world free of problems. All of heaven will rejoice at the judgment of Babylon. What are you doing now to prepare for that time of rejoicing? Explain


The Fall of Babylon


The Fall of Babylon

August 14, 2022 || Revelation 18 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || The Fall Of Babylon

Discussion Questions:

  1. The fear of God will keep you from being influenced by the world system. What are signs in your life that point to you having the fear of God in your heart? Explain.

  2. The Lord commands His people to come out from the world. What are you doing to remain separated from the world? Explain.

  3. All will be accountable for their actions in the end. Are you confident you will be on the right side of God’s judgment? How do you know? Explain.


The Great Prostitute And The Beast


The Great Prostitute And The Beast

August 7, 2022 || Revelation 17 || Daniel Gaul || The Great Prostitute And The Beast (Part 2)

Discussion Questions:

  1. Should we be surprised to see repeating patterns of sin in the world?

  2. How do those who are representatives reflect the cause/nature of those whom they serve?

  3. In what way(s) is God's heavenly kingdom glorified through the contrast of flawed, worldly government?


The Great Prostitute And The Beast


The Great Prostitute And The Beast

July 31, 2022 || Revelation 17 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || The Great Prostitute And The Beast

Discussion Questions:

  1. Can you discern the difference between the Holy Spirit and unclean spirits? How do you keep yourself from becoming influenced by unclean spirits? Explain

  2. Knowing that anyone who doesn't worship Jesus Christ in truth and in spirit is heading for destruction. What are you doing to warn them? Explain

  3. Are you willing to identify with Jesus Christ even when the world rejects Him? Explain
