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Do Not Boast About Tomorrow


Do Not Boast About Tomorrow

April 30, 2023 || James | Do Not Boast About Tomorrow

Discussion Questions:

  1. Can you remember the first time you understood that only YAHWEH knows the future? What was that like?

  2. Has knowing that one day you will die and enter into eternity humbled you? What are you doing to be prepared for that inevitable reality?

  3. When was the last time you knew the right thing to do and you were obedient? Who was blessed?


Warning Against Worldliness (Part 2)


Warning Against Worldliness (Part 2)

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April 23, 2023 || James | Warning Against Worldliness (Part 2)

Discussion Questions:

  1. Are you living a lifestyle of submission to Jesus Christ? If so how have you experienced Satan flee from you?

  2. Have you experienced being exalted by God due to you humbling yourself before Him?

  3. What are you actively doing to ensure you don’t act as a final judge over those around you?


Warning Against Worldliness


Warning Against Worldliness

April 16, 2023 || James | Warning Against Worldliness

Discussion Questions:

  1. Have you been able to detect the unchecked passions within your own heart? Have you truly asked God to correct you in those areas?

  2. What are you doing daily to ensure you are not walking hand and hand with the world?

  3. In your life what does humbling yourself before Jesus Christ look like?


Our Living Hope


Our Living Hope

April 9, 2023 || 1 Peter | The Triumphal Entry

Discussion Questions:

  1. Today do you really know that God loves you? How have you experienced His mercy?

  2. What evidence is there in your life that reveals you are born again in Christ Jesus?

  3. When did you come to realize that your inheritance in Christ Jesus will never fade away? Has that given you boldness to live for Him now?


The Triumphal Entry


The Triumphal Entry

April 2, 2023 || John | The Triumphal Entry

Discussion Questions:

  1. Can you recall when the Lord over time gave you revelation about a certain situation? What was it?

  2. Today do you know what it is to lose your life for the sake of Jesus Christ to then find everlasting life in Him? How have you lost your life?

  3. Have you receive the gift of Salvation through Jesus Christ? If so, how has your life changed?


Wisdom From Above


Wisdom From Above

March 26th, 2023 || James | Wisdom From Above

Discussion Questions:

  1. In your own life have you experienced being able to tame an animal yet unable to tame your tongue?

  2. When you look at your spiritual life are you speaking more blessings over people or more curses?

  3. What is the evidence in your life that your heart is being renewed in Jesus Christ?


Taming the Tongue (Part 2)


Taming the Tongue (Part 2)

March 19th, 2023 || James | Taming the Tongue (Part 2)

Discussion Questions:

  1. In your own life have you experienced being able to tame an animal yet unable to tame your tongue?

  2. When you look at your spiritual life are you speaking more blessings over people or more curses?

  3. What is the evidence in your life that your heart is being renewed in Jesus Christ?


Taming the Tongue


Taming the Tongue

March 12th, 2023 || James | Taming the Tongue

Discussion Questions:

  1. Are you submitting to the Lord’s will daily to keep His anointing flowing into your life?

  2. When you stumble are you quick to repent and come into agreement with God’s forgiveness or do you wallow in your sin?

  3. Since you have been saved have you spoken more words of life or death into the lives of others?


FAITH without works is DEAD


FAITH without works is DEAD

March 5th, 2023 || James | FAITH without works is DEAD

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are three things that point to your faith being alive and not dead?

  2. How do you live out your faith beyond just a verbal proclamation of it?

  3. What happened to you this week that displays your faith is alive accompanied by good works?


God's Law and Mercy


God's Law and Mercy

February 26th, 2023 || James | God’s Law and Mercy

Discussion Questions:

  1. In what way(s) can we show love to our neighbor(s)?

  2. What area(s) of life do you find most difficult to follow God in?

  3. How can our actions towards others change to better reflect God’s love for them?


The Sin Of Partiality


The Sin Of Partiality

February 19th, 2023 || James | The Sin Of Partiality

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you recognize when you are tempted to show partiality to someone? What do you do to stop it?

  2. Do you understand what it means to be rich in faith?

  3. The riches of this life will soon fade away. What are you investing your time, energy, and talent in today?


DOERS-Not Hearers Only


DOERS-Not Hearers Only

February 12th, 2023 || James | Doers-Not Hearers Only

Discussion Questions:

  1. Today are you a doer of the Word of God? If not what is stopping you?

  2. How has living out the principles of the Bible affected your life and the lives of others around you?

  3. What are you doing to serve the less fortunate and keeping yourself from being stained by the world?


DOERS-Not Hearers Only


DOERS-Not Hearers Only

February 5th, 2023 || James | Does-Not Hearers Onlhy

Discussion Questions:

  1. Are you gradually getting better at being quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger? If not what is stopping you?

  2. The wrath of man will never produce the righteousness of God because it is self seeking. Are you stopping to ask the Lord to help you refrain from lashing out in anger?

  3. Are you putting off all filthiness daily so you can humbly receive the Word of God?


The Word of Truth


The Word of Truth

January 29, 2023 || James || Kefing Aperto-Berry || The Word of Truth

Discussion Questions:

  1. The Lord is sovereign. He never tempts yet sometimes He allows bad things to happen to us to grow our dependence on Him alone. How have you responded to this Biblical truth?

  2. Can you recognize when you are being tempted by either your flesh or Satan? What then do you do about it?

  3. Part of being redeemed in Jesus Christ is becoming the first fruits of His creation. Today are you walking in that identity?


Encouragement in the Face of Trials


Encouragement in the Face of Trials

January 22, 2023 || James || Kefing Aperto-Berry || Encouragement in the Face of Trials

Discussion Questions:

  1. How are you allowing the wisdom of God to shape your perception of reality?

  2. Earthly wealth no matter how much only lasts for a season. Today what are you feeding more the temporal, or the eternal?

  3. Have you made up your mind to remain faithful to Jesus Christ despite your trials?


Faith Fear and Wisdom


Faith Fear and Wisdom

January 15, 2023 || James || Kefing Aperto-Berry || Faith, Fear and Wisdom

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you fear the Lord? Without a reverent fear of God you can not begin to obtain wisdom.

  2. What are indications in your life that your faith in Jesus Christ is real, genuine and alive?

  3. Are you single minded in your thinking or are you double minded? Do you recognize the difference between the two?


Faith Tested


Faith Tested

January 8, 2023 || James || Kefing Aperto-Berry || Faith Tested

Discussion Questions:

  1. When you share your faith how do you keep it about what Jesus Christ has done for you and not about yourself? Do people walk away knowing more about the Lord or you?

  2. In your most recent trial have you counted it all joy? If so, how? If not, why?

  3. It’s not easy but we grow more spiritually when we walk through trials. Today can you say you're growing spiritually?


Introduction To The Book Of James


Introduction To The Book Of James

January 1, 2023 || James || Kefing Aperto-Berry || Introduction To The Book Of James

Discussion Questions:

  1. How has the Lord God Almighty revealed Himself to you as the unchanging ruler of all? How has this changed your life?

  2. Tests and trials are from God, temptations are from Satan. Can you recognize the difference between tests, trials, and temptations?

  3. What a person says has power both to destroy and to bring peace. Are you aware of your words and the power they possess?


The Eternal King Is Born


The Eternal King Is Born

December 25, 2022 || Micah || Kefing Aperto-Berry || The Eternal King Is Born

Discussion Questions:

  1. When did you first recognize that Jesus Christ came to earth to be the perfect sacrifice for you? How has that changed your life?

  2. How do you celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ? What traditions do you hold to that remind you about the greatest gift you could ever receive?

  3. Have you shared the true message of Christmas with someone this season? If so how did they respond?


Blessings For A Defiled People


Blessings For A Defiled People

December 18, 2022 || Haggai || Kefing Aperto-Berry || Blessings For A Defiled People

Discussion Questions:

  1. Have you experienced the Lord’s long suffering love and patience towards you? How have you responded?

  2. Today are you seeking the Kingdom of Jesus Christ first in your life? If not then why, and if yes are you seeking it with a pure heart?

  3. God’s blessing upon your life is the most important thing you could desire. Is there evidence of His favor over your life?
