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Death Comes To All


Death Comes To All

February 11, 2024 || Ecclesiastes 9:1-6 | “Death Comes To All”

Discussion Questions:

  1. Today how are preparing yourself to stand before the God of all creation and give an account for your life?

  2. Do you live life with an eternal perspective or are you simply trying to live your best life now?

  3. Are you measuring Father God’s love for you based on your circumstances or by what His Son Jesus Christ has done for you?


Man Cannot Know God's Ways


Man Cannot Know God's Ways

February 4, 2024 || Ecclesiastes 8:14-17 | “Man Cannot Know God’s Ways”

Discussion Questions:

  1. How do you respond to the fact that some righteous people suffer many hardships, while some wicked people are blessed outwardly?

  2. Today can you truly say you are able to eat, drink, be merry and enjoy your lot in this life?

  3. Have you come to a place in your life where you are content in not understanding why every event is allowed to happen?


Those Who Fear God Will Do Well


Those Who Fear God Will Do Well

January 28, 2024 || Ecclesiastes 8:10-13 | “Keep Those Who Fear God Will Do Well”

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you recall a time when you may have fooled other people but the Lord knew the truth and exposed it? What did you learn from that experience?

  2. Have you ever taken God’s long suffering judgement for granted? What do you do now to not abuse His mercy?

  3. Have you experienced how fearing God makes things go well in your life?


Keep The King's Command


Keep The King's Command

January 21, 2024 || Ecclesiastes 8:1-9 | “Keep The King’s Command”

Discussion Questions:

  1. How have you experienced the wisdom of God change your countenance and soften your heart?

  2. Do you gladly accept authorities God has placed in your life or is your attitude to shun the idea of submitting to human authority?

  3. Do you have hope that God's purposes can still be fulfilled despite all the corruption and authoritative abuse you see? Explain


The Difference Between Wisdom & Folly (Part 5)


The Difference Between Wisdom & Folly (Part 5)

January 14, 2024 || Ecclesiastes 7:25-29 | “The Difference Between Wisdom & Folly” - Part 5

Discussion Questions:

  1. Have your experiences outside of Christ truly fulfilled you Or have you come to realize that the meaning of life is found in Jesus Christ alone?

  2. How is Yahweh growing your discernment and awareness to recognize that every form of folly is wickedness?

  3. Do you truly recognize that in order for you to believe in Jesus as your Savior, Yahweh had to first give you the gift of faith? How has that humbled you?


The Difference Between Wisdom & Folly (Part 4)


The Difference Between Wisdom & Folly (Part 4)

January 7, 2024 || Ecclesiastes 7:19-24 | “The Difference Between Wisdom & Folly” - Part 4

Discussion Questions:

  1. Have you come to experience true strength in godly wisdom rather than physical force?

  2. Has knowing that you are imperfect drawn you closer to Jesus Christ or driven you away from Him?

  3. How have you witnessed the wisdom of God direct you back to Himself?


The Difference Between Wisdom & Folly - Part 3


The Difference Between Wisdom & Folly - Part 3

December 31, 2023 || Ecclesiastes 7:13-18 | “The Difference Between Wisdom & Folly” - Part 3

Discussion Questions:

  1. What examples have you experienced in your own life of God’s sovereignty?

  2. How have you used the discernment that Yahweh has given you through the Holy Spirit to live an obedient life?

  3. Have you witnessed how having a genuine holy fear of God makes your life more enjoyable?


Celebration of the One True King


Celebration of the One True King

December 24, 2023 || Luke 1:26-33 | “Celebration of the One True King”

Discussion Questions:

  1. How has Jesus Christ coming to earth to conquer - sin, death, hell, and the grave - effected your life?

  2. If you are saved how have you experienced the favor of Yahweh (God) over your life?

  3. Only Jesus Christ will reign forever. Have you decided in your inner most being to receive Him as your King?


The Difference Between Wisdom & Folly (Part 2)


The Difference Between Wisdom & Folly (Part 2)

December 17, 2023 || Ecclesiastes 7:5-12 | “The Difference Between Wisdom & Folly” (Part 2)

Discussion Questions:

  1. Are you willing to receive godly rebuke to correct you and are you willing to deny the praises of a fool?

  2. Have you come to realize the importance of patience and the dangers of pride?

  3. This week how have you witnessed wisdom preserve your life?


The Difference Between Wisdom & Folly


The Difference Between Wisdom & Folly

December 10, 2023 || Ecclesiastes 7:1-4 | “The Difference Between Wisdom & Folly”

Discussion Questions:

  1. How do you live out upholding a good name in Jesus Christ daily?

  2. Do you find yourself sobered by the reality of physical death or do you avoid it?

  3. When was the last time you allowed correction to speak into your life, and how do you avoid the flattery of a fool?


Opposing God Is Foolishness


Opposing God Is Foolishness

December 3, 2023 || Ecclesiastes 6:7-12 | “Opposing God Is Foolishness”

Discussion Questions:

  1. How are you keeping yourself from being deceived by the allure of wealth and worldly prosperity?

  2. Are you currently enjoying all you have in Jesus Christ and what He has given you or do you find yourself constantly seeking out the next best thing?

  3. What has caused you to come to the understanding that it is utter foolishness to oppose God?


Apart From Jesus, Life Is Meaningless


Apart From Jesus, Life Is Meaningless

November 26, 2023 || Ecclesiastes 6:1-6 | “Apart From Jesus, Life Is Meaningless”

Discussion Questions:

  1. How do you ensure that you spend your time in this life on the things that matter most, like your relationship with God and with people?

  2. How has your peace increased since you came to understand only Jesus Christ can truly satisfy you?

  3. A life lived for Christ is a life well lived. What are you doing daily to not waste your life?


Occupied With His Joy


Occupied With His Joy

November 19, 2023 || Ecclesiastes 5:18-20 | “Occupied With His Joy”

Discussion Questions:

  1. Are you able to eat, drink, and find enjoyment in your labor? If not what is stopping you?

  2. When did you realize that the true gift of enjoyment comes from the Hand of God?

  3. Have you come to understand that your level of gratitude towards Jesus Christ is directly connected to your level of godly enjoyment in this life?


The Vanity Of Wealth And Honor


The Vanity Of Wealth And Honor

November 12, 2023 || Ecclesiastes 5:13-17 | “The Vanity of Wealth and Honor” (Part 2)

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are you doing to protect yourself from the self destruction that comes from hoarding wealth?

  2. How do you invest your wealth knowing that you will not take it with you when you die?

  3. Has Jesus Christ opened the eyes of your heart? If so, how has your life changed since you are no longer spiritually blind?


The Vanity of Wealth and Honor


The Vanity of Wealth and Honor

November 5, 2023 || Ecclesiastes 5:8-12 | “The Vanity of Wealth and Honor”

Discussion Questions:

  1. How do you use the authority and influence God has given you?

  2. When did you realize that loving money would never satisfy your soul?

  3. Are you able to sleep soundly at night knowing Jesus Christ provides for your every need, or do you lack sleep due to the cares of the world?


Keep Your Vows And Fear God


Keep Your Vows And Fear God

October 29, 2023 || Ecclesiastes 4:9-16 | “Keep Your Vows And Fear God”

Discussion Questions:

  1. Have you come to understand the seriousness of the vows you have made before God?

  2. What is in your heart will eventually spill over into the words you speak. What are you doing daily to guard your heart?

  3. Have you come to a place in your daily walk with God that you ask Him for a healthy, holy, fear of Him? If not, why?


Builds and Battles


Builds and Battles

October 22, 2023 || Builds and Battles

Discussion Questions:

  1. How important is making plans in the life of the believer?

  2. Planning involves actions and hard work. What lesson can we learn from looking at “Ants”?

    (Proverbs 6:6-11)

  3. What is the balanced approach to setting goals and making plans?

    (James 4:15)


"Fear God"


"Fear God"

October 15, 2023 || Ecclesiastes 4:9-16 | “Fear God”

Discussion Questions:

  1. What preparation takes place to get your soul, heart, and mind prepared to enter into the house of the Lord?

  2. Do you remember when you understood it is better to enter God’s house humbly ready to listen, rather than to offer a foolish sacrifice?

  3. Are you growing in your ability to be still before Yahweh and listen for His still small voice speak to you? What are indications you are growing?


Evil Under The Sun (Part 3)


Evil Under The Sun (Part 3)

October 8, 2023 || Ecclesiastes 4:9-16 | “Evil Under The Sun” Part 3

Discussion Questions:

  1. Today are you living your life empowered by Jesus Christ and benefiting from being in fellowship with other believers?

  2. What are you doing to ensure you are in community with other believers and no living in isolation?

  3. What are three indicators that you are growing in wisdom concerning the things of God?


Evil Under The Sun (Part 2)


Evil Under The Sun (Part 2)

October 1, 2023 || Ecclesiastes 4:4-8 | “Evil Under The Sun” Part 2

Discussion Questions:

  1. How do you keep the eyes of your heart fixed on Jesus Christ so you don’t end up wandering and comparing yourself to others?

  2. Have you experienced the destructive effects of laziness? What are you doing to combat it?

  3. Can you say today you are truly content in Father God’s love for you through His Son Jesus Christ?
