The Whole Armor of God (Part Two)


The Whole Armor of God (Part Two)

August 1, 2021 || Ephesians 6 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || The Whole Armor of God

Discussion Questions:

  • Today are you girded in the belt of truth? If so, how has the realization of who Jesus Christ is shaped your Christian life? Explain.

  • Daily how do you prepare yourself for spiritual battle? What routines have you developed that have helped you be on guard against the schemes of Satan? Explain.

  • What does praying all the time look like in your life? Have you experienced the benefits of living a lifestyle of prayer? Explain.


The Whole Armor of God


The Whole Armor of God

July 25, 2021 || Ephesians 6 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || The Whole Armor of God

Discussion Questions:

How has knowing that your victory over Satan is in the finished work of Jesus Christ encouraged you in your daily walk? Explain.

When did you realize that you were born into a spiritual battle? How has that changed your idea about spiritual things? Explain.

As a soldier is always armed and ready for war, how do you ensure that you always have on the Full Armor Of God? Explain.


Turn and Be Healed


Turn and Be Healed

July 18, 2021 || Acts 28 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || Turn and Be Healed

Discussion Questions:

  • When did you realized that the entirety of the Bible, the Old and New Testaments, centers around Jesus Christ? How did that realization grow your faith in Him? Explain.

  • Jesus Christ came to offer Salvation to all of His creation. In doing so, He naturally divides believers from non believers. How does this truth affect your belief in Him? Explain.

  • Everyone in this world is seeking healing, but true healing only comes from the hands of Jesus Christ. How have you experienced this kind of healing in your life? Explain.


Encouraged in Christ


Encouraged in Christ

July 11, 2021 || Acts 28 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || Encouraged in Christ

Discussion Questions:

  • Who are people in your life that God used to encourage you? How exactly does the Lord use them? Explain.

  • Can you recall a time when your circumstances were not good but you still witnessed the hand of God move upon your life to bless others? Explain.

  • What patterns has has the Lord revealed to you in His Word that shows that His truth is consistent and doesn’t change? Explain.


My Refuge


My Refuge

July 4, 2021 || Acts 28 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || My Refuge

Discussion Questions:

  • How have you responded to the calling of lifelong service? What are some challenges you face serving others? Explain.

  • How do you ensure that you don’t esteem people more than they should be, nor cut people down in the same way? Explain.

  • Share the most recent instance when Jesus Christ provided for you exactly what you needed, in His perfect time.


God Over Everything


God Over Everything

June 27, 2021 || Acts 27 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || God Over Everything

Discussion Questions:

  • Have you ever made your own plans without consulting the Lord first? How did that work out for you? Explain.

  • Name one thing the Lord has to lovingly continue to remind you about. How do you respond to that correction? Explain.

  • How has knowing that God works through ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things encouraged you? Explain.


Look to Christ


Look to Christ

June 20, 2021 || Acts 27 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || Look to Christ

Discussion Questions:

  • Do you recall when you hit rock bottom, when you came to the end of yourself? How did the Lord reveal Himself to you? Explain.

  • How do you know your life is anchored in Jesus Christ? What are the marks your life bears to prove that? Explain.

  • Can others around you sense you are not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ? What about you shows them that? Explain.


I Believe God


I Believe God

June 13, 2021 || Acts 27 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || I Believe God

Discussion Questions:

  • Can you recall how God has kept His promises to you? Explain.

  • How does that encourage you to know God will not let you die before your time? That you can trust His timing for your existence on earth is perfect? Explain.

  • How have you seen your relationship with Jesus Christ affect others for their good? Explain.


Refreshing in the Time of Need


Refreshing in the Time of Need

June 6, 2021 || Acts 27 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || Refreshing in the Time of Need

Discussion Questions:

  • You are in a certain family, living in a specific neighborhood, and working at particular job. How have you seen God use your life right where you are to help those around you? Explain.

  • Can you recall the last time you were spiritually, emotionally, and physically tired? Did the Lord refresh you? How did He do that? Explain.

  • How do you take Godly advice? Do you welcome it or do you struggle to accept it? Explain.


From Darkness to Light, Part Two


From Darkness to Light, Part Two

May 30, 2021 || Acts 26 || Pastor Kefing Aperto-Berry || From Darkness to Light, Part Two

Discussion Questions:

  • Since you got saved, have you become a witness for Jesus Christ? How has He used you to share the Gospel with others? Explain.

  • Has anyone thought you were crazy for giving your life to Jesus Christ? If so, how did you respond to their decision? Explain.

  • When did you realize that halfway faith won’t cut it in your relationship with Jesus Christ? How has that realization affected your faith to be all in? Explain.


From Darkness to Light


From Darkness to Light

May 23, 2021 || Acts 26 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || From Darkness to Light

Discussion Questions:

  • How do you deal with conviction? Being that it is an essential part of correction for right living in Jesus Christ, do you embrace it or run from it? Explain.

  • What role does humility play in your walk with Jesus Christ? Do you see yourself growing in humility? What are the marks that show you that you’re growing in humility? Explain.

  • In what areas of your life is the Lord calling you to be obedient today? Explain.


The Dead Will Rise


The Dead Will Rise

May 9, 2021 || Acts 26 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || The Dead Will Rise

Discussion Questions:

  • Knowing that one day you will be resurrected from the dead to stand before the Lord God Almighty, how has that affected your behavior now? Are you more aware of your behavior knowing you will be held accountable? Explain.

  • Your view of God will shape the rest of your world view. It will affect how effective your faith will be. Do you believe nothing is impossible for God? Explain.

  • Before you accepted Jesus Christ and His free gift of Salvation, you were an enemy of God. Knowing that you are now at peace with Him, how has that affected your daily life? Explain.


Humility Produces Exaltation


Humility Produces Exaltation

May 2, 2021 || Acts 25 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || Humility Produces Exaltation

Discussion Questions:

  • Do you notice a difference in how you judge from before the Holy Spirit was living in you until now? Are you able to administer fair judgement better with the Holy Spirit than without? Explain.

  • How have you been able to witness to others in the circumstances you have been placed in? Do you see your circumstances, no matter what they look like, as opportunities to share the Gospel message? Explain.

  • God’s economy is completely different from the world’s. Humility plays a key role in your relationship with Jesus Christ and others. How have you seen humility play out in your own life? Explain.


The Deception of Power


The Deception of Power

April 18, 2021 || Acts 25 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || The Deception of Power

Discussion Questions:

  • What can you do to ensure you don’t fall into the trap of becoming addicted to power? Explain.

  • When you are hidden in Jesus Christ you can be confident in His promise to protect your character. How has your confidence in Him encouraged you to trust in Him alone? Explain.

  • Knowing that the Lord will go before you, do you find yourself relying on your own strength or His? Explain.


Delay, Denial, and Rejection


Delay, Denial, and Rejection

April 11, 2021 || Acts 24 || Delay, Denial, and Rejection || Kefing Aperto-Berry

Discussion Questions:

  • Do you recall a time when you were confronted with the Gospel but failed to respond? What made you not want to respond? Explain.

  • If you are saved now, what was the turning point in your life that caused you to respond to the Gospel? Explain.

  • How does knowing that once you give your life to Jesus Christ, you are sealed forever strengthen your faith? Explain.


The Good News: He Has Risen!


The Good News: He Has Risen!

April 4, 2021 || 1 Corinthians 15:1-8 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || The Good News: He Has Risen!

Discussion Questions:

  • We learned that the Gospel, when heard, accepted, and held on to, saves. What do you hold on to the most? Is to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, or is it material things, people, or experiences? How do you know? Explain.

  • The Gospel is all about Jesus Christ. His death, burial, and resurrection so that we may be saved. The Gospel is not about traditions, rule keeping, or good works to try and earn salvation. How has the True Gospel of Jesus Christ liberated you to serve Him? Explain.

  • As difficult as it was for Jesus Christ to go to the cross to pay our sin debt, it was the only way mankind could be saved. Understanding better what He had to endure to secure your salvation, does that give you a stronger desire to submit and serve Him? Explain.


The Servant King


The Servant King

March 28, 2021 || Matthew 21 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || The Servant King

Discussion Questions:

  • As we learned, Jesus Christ involved two of His disciples by sending them to get the donkey and her colt. What has the Lord recently asked you to do? Explain.

  • We also learned what the owner possessed, they were willing to allow Jesus Christ to use. What do you possess, whether physical or spiritual gifts from God? Are you willing to allow the Lord to use what you have? Explain.

  • Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem was a fulfillment of prophecy written several hundred years prior. How does the fulfillment of prophecies strengthen your faith in Jesus Christ? Explain.


Contending for the Faith


Contending for the Faith

March 21, 2021 || Acts 24 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || Contending for the Faith

Discussion Questions:

  • How do you contend for the faith? Is it done in love, having a heart for lost people? Or do you find yourself trying to win arguments to make a point? Explain.

  • Have you ever found yourself in a situation where there was an opportunity to deny Jesus Christ before others? What did you do? How did you respond? Explain.

  • How do you ensure that as you walk through this life with Christ you do so with a clear conscience? Explain.
