Numbers 21:8-9 (the bronze serpent)
When Israel was being attacked by fiery serpents in the desert, the forging of a bronze serpent may seem bizarre – but then, it is the same (figuratively and literally) as believing that the death of Jesus can free us from sin.
The imagery in the Pentateuch (and in accompanying doctrine) is laid out like this: bronze (judgment) + serpent (sin) = bronze serpent (sin being judged). Israel sinned against GOD by complaining about His provision (the manna), so GOD allowed serpents to begin biting the people. Their sin is literally killing them, and when they repent GOD tells Moses to construct something that visualizes the very act that Jesus would do on the Cross: the judgment of sin. Looking to Jesus for salvation involves an act of faith in GOD’s plan to provide us with life, both physically and (more importantly) spiritually.
2nd Chronicles 7:14 “…if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
Social practices and moral values always go hand-in-hand; people can say what they wish, but actions reveal what they truly support and believe. Our overall well-being is tied deeply to our spiritual stance with GOD; He offers His gift of salvation/restoration to anyone who is willing to put aside their own desires/sense of personal control and turn to Him, like a patient afflicted with a terminal disease turning to the doctor for healing that the patient could never achieve alone.
Matthew 8:1-3, Luke 17:11-14 (Jesus healing leper(s))
Leprosy is a degenerative disease, opening the way for other infections to move in as first the nerves, then the flesh, are destroyed. It was a one-way ticket into exile from the community (and any physical fellowship with GOD) in most any society. Yet Jesus willingly reaches out to those who are cast out for their illnesses, granting them their humanity and connection with GOD and others through the touch of His hands.