November 15, 2020 || Acts 19 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || Riots Reveal Hard Hearts

Discussion Questions:

  • As we see time and time again in God’s Word, where there are strides made for Christ, it doesn’t come without opposition. Can you recall a time when you experienced some form of opposition as you shared Christ? How did you respond to that opposition? Explain.

  • Demetrius’ desire to not lose his income drove him to fight against the Lord. Have you yourself ever fought against the Lord? What did it look like, and what was the outcome? Explain.

  • In large part, many began to revolt against Paul’s teaching because they refused to give up their way of life. They enjoyed their false religion and the lifestyle that came with it. Ultimately their backbiting against the ways of God revealed their hard hearts. Have you ever experienced this same kind of opposition towards God in your own life? What did it take to change your perspective about the ways of the Lord? Explain.
