April 12, 2020 (Easter Sunday) || 1 Peter 1 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || Our Living Hope
Discuss the following questions with your family or discussion partner after listening to the message:
We started off learning how as followers of Jesus, we can actually bless or praise God the Father for the great mercy He shows us. How often do you find yourself praising God for His great mercy? How do you praise Him? Explain.
Knowing that your salvation, inheritance, is undefiled and imperishable, has it strengthened your faith in Christ? Are you more courageous in your dealings with others knowing your salvation is secured in Jesus? Explain.
Lastly, we learned abiding in Christ is essential to having a relationship with Him. How can you determine if you are abiding in Him today, what are the marks of your life that reveal this? Explain.