The Seven Churches: Philadelphia (Part Two)


The Seven Churches: Philadelphia (Part Two)

December 26, 2021 || Revelation 3 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || The Seven Churches: Philadelphia (Part Two)

Discussion Questions:

  • When did you realize that Jesus Christ has spared you from the second death? How has that affected your life? Explain.

  • As a believer in Jesus Christ, have you given up trying to live your “best life now”? Are you living life with an eternal perspective? Explain.

  • How has knowing that your salvation is secure in Jesus Christ strengthened your witness for Him? Are you willing to point anyone to Jesus Christ at any time? Explain.


Prince of Peace


Prince of Peace

December 19, 2021 || Isaiah 9 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || Prince of Peace

Discussion Questions:

  • Have you settled on the fact that Jesus Christ is the Son of God? If so, how can you tell it is more than just an intellectual understanding but that your life has been completely changed? Explain.

  • Have you come to the point where you realize that Jesus Christ is the only one who can give you true lasting peace? If so, how has that realization changed your life? Explain.

  • The Kingdom of God will last forever. Do you consider this while going about your daily life? If so, how has it affected the way you live? Explain.


The Seven Churches: Philadelphia


The Seven Churches: Philadelphia

December 12, 2021 || Revelation 3 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || The Seven Churches: Philadelphia

Discussion Questions:

  • What made you realize that Jesus Christ is the only True and Living God? Explain.

  • When was the last time you witnessed God opening and closing specific doors in your life? Explain.

  • Now that you are a child of God, how do you keep yourself from walking in fear of your enemies? Explain.


The Seven Churches: Sardis (Part Two)


The Seven Churches: Sardis (Part Two)

December 5, 2021 || Revelation 3 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || The Seven Churches: Sardis (Part Two)

Discussion Questions:

  • In Jesus Christ have you experienced living truly free from sin? Explain.

  • How do you measure your worthiness? Is it in the things you do, or is it in what Jesus Christ has done for you? Explain.

  • How has knowing that your name is written in the Book of Life strengthened your faith? In your ability to speak up for the Lord? Explain.


The Seven Churches: Thyatira (Part Two)


The Seven Churches: Thyatira (Part Two)

November 21, 2021 || Revelation 2 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || The Seven Churches: Thyatira (Part Two)

Discussion Questions:

  • Jesus warns believers many times about the failure to repent. Have His warnings to you affected your awareness of unconfessed sin in your life? Explain.

  • What is the proof in your life, that you are holding fast to Jesus Christ? Explain.

  • In the busyness of life, how do you daily keep your mind fixed on the winning your race and receiving your reward in Jesus Christ? Explain.


The Seven Churches: Thyatira


The Seven Churches: Thyatira

November 14, 2021 || Revelation 2 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || The Seven Churches: Thyatira

Discussion Questions:

  • What are signs in your own life that warn you are beginning to compromise? What do you do once you realize this? Explain.

  • How has knowing that as long as someone is alive, there is hope, encouraged you to share your faith in Jesus Christ? Explain.

  • Is repentance a fresh daily part of your walk with Jesus Christ? Why or why not? Explain.


The Seven Churches: Pergamum (Part Two)


The Seven Churches: Pergamum (Part Two)

November 7, 2021 || Revelation 2 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || The Seven Churches: Pergamum (Part Two)

Discussion Questions:

  • At what point did you realize that Jesus Christ is more concerned about changing the condition of your heart, rather than your outward appearance? Explain.

  • What is some evidence that shows you have decided to repent? Do you keep daily accounts with the Lord? Explain.

  • What steps are you taking daily to ensure you will conquer the circumstances of life? Are you expectant to receive the secret manna God has for you? Explain.


The Seven Churches: Pergamum


The Seven Churches: Pergamum

October 31, 2021 || Revelation 2 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || The Seven Churches: Pergamum

Discussion Questions:

  • Looking back on your life, do you remember when you used to ignore conviction? How has your life changed as you learn to embrace conviction and the Lord’s correction? Explain.

  • Have you ever noticed that the more you become obedient to Jesus Christ, the more distractions and opposition come your way? How do you daily stay rooted in Jesus Christ? Explain.

  • Many struggle with being rejected. It can leave you depressed and anti-social. How has Jesus Christ helped you to deal with rejection when it comes? Explain.


The Seven Churches: Smyrna (Part Two)


The Seven Churches: Smyrna (Part Two)

October 24, 2021 || Revelation 2 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || The Seven Churches: Smyrna (Part Two)

Discussion Questions:

  • How have you seen the Lord work in you life despite any suffering you have had to endure? Explain.

  • In Biblical terms, how would you describe living a life that is faithful unto death for Jesus Christ? Explain.

  • How grateful are you that, as a follower of Jesus Christ, you will not experience the second death? How has that motivated you to share your faith? Explain.


The Seven Churches: Smyrna


The Seven Churches: Smyrna

October 17, 2021 || Revelation 2 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || The Seven Churches: Smyrna

Discussion Questions:

  • What does it mean to be rich in God’s Kingdom? Are you rich in His Kingdom? How so? Explain.

  • How are you able to discern if a Bible teaching to authentic or false? How are you sure? Explain.

  • How do you deal with fear that creeps into your life through different circumstances you face? Explain.


The Seven Churches: Ephesus (Part Two)


The Seven Churches: Ephesus (Part Two)

October 10, 2021 || Revelation 2 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || The Seven Churches: Ephesus

Discussion Questions:

  • Can you recall the first time you truly understood what repentance was all about? How did that truth liberate your walk with Jesus Christ? Explain.

  • Correction is vital, and obedience is key. When you measure both in your Christian life, are they growing? Do you see the benefits of both? Explain.

  • Does your faith allow you to believe that your obedience in Christ will be rewarded? How does your daily life reflect that you are excited about that reward? Explain.


The Seven Churches: Ephesus


The Seven Churches: Ephesus

October 3, 2021 || Revelation 2 || Ephesus || Kefing Aperto-Berry

Discussion Questions:

  • Have you ever done good works for Christ, only to lose sight of Him? If so, how did you recognize that you were drifting from truth? Explain.

  • When did you realize that it’s about the inner workings of your heart that Jesus Christ changes, and not your outward appearance? What made you realize this? Explain.

  • Keeping daily short accounts with the Lord is the only way to avoid abandoning your first love. How are you doing with that? What could help you be better at that? Explain.


The Son of Man (Part Three)


The Son of Man (Part Three)

September 26, 2021 || Revelation 1 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || The Son of Man (Part Three)

Discussion Questions:

  • If you humble your heart before Jesus Christ, you don’t have to live in fear. Have you experienced this truth? Explain.

  • Jesus Christ has complete power over sin, death, and the grave. How is that growing your confidence in Him? Explain.

  • The church, the body of Christ, is secured and held together by the head, who is Christ. Understanding that, are you willing to do whatever He calls you to do, knowing He has ordered your steps? Explain.


The Son of Man (Part Two)


The Son of Man (Part Two)

September 19, 2021 || Revelation 1 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || The Son of Man (Part Two)

Discussion Questions:

  • How has serving the one and true Living God, Jesus Christ, changed your life? Explain.

  • Have you been able to respond in humility to the reality of who Jesus Christ is? How has that affected your daily walk with God? Explain.

  • How much more confidence do you have knowing that Jesus’ response to your humility before Him is, “do not fear.”? Explain.


The Son of Man


The Son of Man

September 12, 2021 || Revelation 1 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || The Son of Man

Discussion Questions:

  • How has knowing you will endure tribulations through the power of Jesus Christ encouraged you to continue keeping the faith? Explain.

  • The entirety of the Bible is to directed to edify your life. Jesus’ instructions are there make your life the best it can be. How have you benefited from being obedient to the Lord? Explain.

  • What has the double edge Word of God revealed to you about yourself? How have you responded to that reality? Explain.


The Alpha and The Omega (Part Two)


The Alpha and The Omega (Part Two)

September 5, 2021 || Revelation 1 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || The Alpha and the Omega (Part Two)

Discussion Questions:

  • How has knowing that you, as a believer in Jesus Christ, will share in His heavenly kingdom affected your living here on earth? Explain.

  • One day all of the earth will be in awe of the mighty presence of Jesus Christ. They will either be humbled and glad, or terrified and scared. Which will you be? Explain.

  • Have the current events in our world made you more aware of our Lord’s return? How has that affected your behavior? Explain.


The Alpha and The Omega


The Alpha and The Omega

August 29, 2021 || Revelation 1 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || The Alpha and The Omega

Discussion Questions:

  • What has made you understand the unique position you’re in, being part of the church? How have you responded to that awesome responsibility? Explain.

  • How has understanding that Jesus Christ rules over life and death impacted your walk with Him? Explain.

  • When did you come to realize that only the shed blood of Jesus Christ can wash away your sins? Explain.


Christ Revealed


Christ Revealed

August 22, 2021 || Revelation 1 || Kefing Aperto-Berry || Christ Revealed

Discussion Questions:

  • When was the last time you experienced the truth that, “all good things come from God”? Explain.

  • How has your love for Jesus Christ grown, understanding that the entirety of the Bible points to Him as the focus? Explain.

  • In what ways has your life been blessed because you are not only reading and hearing God’s Word, but you are abiding in it? Explain.


An Introduction to Revelation


An Introduction to Revelation

August 15, 2021 || Revelation || Kefing Aperto-Berry || Revelation

Discussion Questions:

  • As we begin our study into the book of Revelation what is the one thing you want to learn more about? Explain.

  • How does understanding that both Old and New Testaments revolve around Jesus Christ strengthen your faith in Him? Explain.

  • How do you spend your time awaiting our Lord’s return? Are you about your Father’s business, or are you occupied with other things? Explain.
